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What's Happening With The Characters?
OK, so this column is devoted to all the new stuff happening with the wonder women on the shows - meaning, the ficticious variety...

30/01/2003 - Hello to the new seasons! Buffy's back and she's a little more cheery this time around. THANK GOD! And, although she's no way my fave character, Dawn is becoming more likeable by the minute. Not much on the Willow front other than grief and all that crap but, as episode three (STSP) airs tonight in the UK, I guess we'll see. Right now, my fave character on the show, other than the Buffster, is Anya. Loving her in her new demon incarnation...
Over on Angel, my Fred crush has been resparked. The fact that she was snogging Gunn every second towards the end of the last season made me turn my attention away from her for a while. But now I'm back to the Fred-luvvin' - she stakes a vamp and kicks Connor's ass (ok, taser but whatever) all in the opening episode. Wooooo! Meanwhile, Justine is still a moody mad bitch (now with bucket in tow) whilst Cordy is bored in the etherworlds, hehehe. Ground State airs tonight, and if I'm right, we'll be introduced to new babe-in-waiting Gwen...

16/07/2002 - Apparently, Glory and Faith may return to Sunnydale next year. Dushku, schedule permitting, may also appear as slayer-gone-bad Faith in Angel too. However, as I wanna enjoy the seventh season with NO spoilers wrecking the surprise factor, this is where this column ends for a while. Once I see the shows, I will post info here but not until then... :)

27/06/2002 - At a recent press conference concerning the show, Alyson Hannigan and Joss let it out into the open that Willow would be in the land of Eng (England - I'm trying to be clever, but it's not working) during the season premiere. That's right! The girl who skinned Warren and needs to face the consequences of her actions is gonna need some serious magic rehabilitation - what better place than sunny (haha!) Britain? Alyson Hannigan is apparently shooting right now! YAY! Is the word 'stalker' too strong a term? :)
Meanwhile, Emma Caulfield appeared alongside James Marsters at Blackpool's SFX convention event last weekend. Unfortunately, I couldn't be there - darn, I could have gotten a grope in! However, she too may still be in the country. Hehehe, I better have my hands ready then...
Also, Michelle Trachtenberg has revealed that Dawn isn't gonna be too pleased with Spike next season after learning about the whole attempted-rape thang. She's also gonna kick some ass (woohoo) and there may be possible love interests...

19/06/2002 - As we're in hiatus land, there's not much info doing the rounds about upcoming character shifts or developments. However, I'm just thinking 'WHAT THE HELL?' happened to Cordy in 'Tomorrow', Angel's third season finale. Glowy angelic Cordy sent to a higher state - is she really gone??? Looks like next season's gotta answer a lotta questions...

31/05/2002 - Looks like Buffy's all happy about living again after surviving Willow's failed attempt to bring the world to an end. Hopefully, this signals that next season will be less of an angst fest and more of a balanced season with lighter moments. Also, loved Dawn being noticed and being given some direction in 'Grave' (the season finale of Season Six) and cannot wait to see how the characters develop in what looks like the final year.

What's Happening Behind The Scenes?
...and here we have all the goss on the actresses and the ladies in charge. Anything they get up to away from the show or anything they decide related to the future of the shows, you can read about it here!

07/05/2003 - Seen Darkness Falls and I'm sad to say it wasn't all impressive - the usual dumb horror movie with a coupla good set pieces but pretty much nothing else other than Emma Caulfield to save the day. Hopefully, a sequel will be better.

26/04/2003 - Buffy's ending, peeps! Sorry to twist your hearts out. Anyway, Sarah has started filming on the second Scooby flick, Alyson has finished filming on American Wedding (I'm pretty sure) and Michelle Trachtenberg has signed on to appear in Ugly Americans, a US teen flick. So don't despair - the Buffy ladies will still be on screens. Meanwhile, Eliza is set to star in a pilot for a new US show and Amber Benson's Ghosts Of Albion project is up and running on the BBC site. More news soon...

30/03/2003 - Good news Emma Caulfield fans! Her movie, Darkness Falls, has hit the top spot at the US box office. The official site can be found at, where you can play on a wickedly addictive game...hmmmmm.
Meanwhile, those of us in the UK who prefer Julie Benz should be watching Taken, which has landed on BBC2 on Saturday nights. Ms.Benz was chosen to star in the magnificent mini-series by none other than Stephen Spielberg, who took a liking to the actress whilst sitting down to watch Angel one night with his kids. Her role seems to be quite small but it's good to see the very talented lady branching out into big things - and you can't really get much bigger than Spielberg-related thingies, can ya?
This could be good news to you or bad - the very wonderful Alyson Hannigan is now engaged to Alexis (Wesley) Denisof. Sorry to break a few hearts but I'm very happy to report this newsbite...
Also (SPOILER ALERT!), you can expect actresses such as Juliet Landau, Clare Kramer and Kristine Sutherland to crop up now and again during the new seventh season. You gotta be happy about that!

14/12/2002 - Woohoo, looks like Emma could be doing a Sarah Michelle Gellar and taking part in a cinematic trilogy. While Sarah's reportedly signed up for another two Scooby movies, Caulfield has noted that Darkness Falls may spawn two sequels if the first movie is a success. However, does her character survive??? Hopefully, yes! Cos that way we get to see Emma on the big screen after her departure from the show this year...
English folks like me can take pleasure in the fact that Amber Benson has returned to our homeland to promote both Chance (her indie movie) and the BBC's first showing of the musical. She's already made a coupla TV appearances and a screening of Chance to select ticket-holders is to take place in London this coming Sunday. Keep your eyes peeled for further TV appearances, and be sure to visit the BBC Buffy site at 7.30pm on Thursday as there is a webchat where we get to ask the questions! :)
In other news, Elizabeth Anne Allen (Amy) is winning film festival awards already for her appearance in the 2003-released Bill The Intern. I'll be back with more goss next year...

03/11/2002 - Back! I have hit the official site for Emma Caulfield's new movie (scheduled to hit the US in January 2003) today and it sure looks spooky. Darkness Falls (which sounds a little more ominous than The Tooth Fairy - good change in title, folks!) looks like a Blair-Witch style 'nasty urban legend' movie, and it seems like Emma has a big role if you watch the trailer. Hopefully, the exposure will do her justice.
Meanwhile, Amber Benson may not be returning to the Buffyverse after all. Apparently, she would like to but contract negotiations with Twentieth Century Fox didn't go so well and now she is not expecting to return as a result.
And, finally, y'all can see the talented Daisy McCrackin (the gal who played telekinetic Bethany Chaulk in the brilliant Angel episode 'Untouched') in the God-awful Halloween:Resurrection if you choose to submit yourself to the horrors of that film. She's the only half-decent thing in it and there's also some gratuitous nakedness on her part. Go ogle!

26/09/2002 - As promised, I saw The New Guy featuring Eliza, well, like just. And for all the bad reviews, I thought it was a brilliantly fun little teen movie. Go see! Eliza sparkles - and, ooh, bikinis... :)

22/09/2002 - Hiya. I haven't let y'all in on all the goss so here's a big massive updatey thing...
First things first, lady Gellar has opsted to choose that Prinze Jnr. guy over me and got married to him this month in what was a cosy ceremony. Pics are on the web and in girly mags but I can tell you SMG looked gorge...
Big Eliza Dushku info here. UK fans will be happy to know that her (poorly reviewed) big screen effort The New Guy has finally hit our shores. I should be seeing it some time next week and will let ya know what I thought. Speaking of, I saw Soul Survivors this night and, apart from Ms Dushku, that movie was one big waste. However, her grittier appearance in Rob DeNiro flick City By The Sea has gotten good reviews and hit the US Top Ten, landing the very respectable numero 3 position in its first week. It should be coming to Britain in the next coupla months. Oh, and Eliza might just be appearing in our fave shows next season. Anyone for a YAY?! Apparently she's also signed on to star in an indie horror flick entitled Wrong Turn...
Amber Benson fans should be pleased to know that her movie Chance is screening at its first first film festival in the US. Hopefully, it will be picked up and garner her big success...

20/08/2002 - Heads up, Emma Caulfield fans! She has completed filming in Australia on a scary movie entitled The Tooth Fairy. Okay, so the title doesn't sound THAT scary but Emma claims it's a slow burner of a horror flick and the reason Emma hopped on board was because she claims the director to be very impressive. More news soon...

13/08/2002 - Hey, the news is back after a short hiatus for my birthday celebrations (I now have money - wooooooo!). Word has it that Charisma's role on Angel may be considerably shortened next season. The actress is considering motherhood and feels a deal like that of Tony Head's semi-regular contract would suit her more...
Meanwhile, speculation continues as to whether our Sarah is gonna continue the slaying of demons after the seventh season. If not, it may be that Michelle Trachtenberg could take on the role of a Slayer possibly...
And, finally, some movie news. Alyson Hannigan has reportedly signed on for a third slice of American Pie. Apparently, not all cast members will be returning so maybe we can look forward to an extended Aly Hannigan role. Meanwhile, SMG may be heading for Britannia after signing up for a fish-out-of-water style movie featuring an American girl who comes to England to study alongside English university snobs. Sarah would play the lead character, and her continuing interest in movies suggests that her departure from Buffy may indeed be more than rumours...

16/07/2002 - While there may indeed be an eight season (it's looking as if seven or eight will finish the series off), Emma Caulfield has declared that even if year eight comes to fruition, she will not be a part of it. Caulfield claims she feels like five years on the show has been good enough for her...
Meanwhile, Scooby Doo's riding high in the UK charts. While the film isn't the most artistic of our times (I saw it at the weekend and it was pure mind-numbing fluff), it looks as thought the kids are pleased. It can only do wonders for Sarah's career...
Also, Sarah claims Britney will not be appearing next season as a vamp vixen. Apparently, Sarah (who is linked as Britney's friend by many a source) heard the rumours and put a stop to them immediately. Friendship, eh? Or just tabloid meddlesome?

27/06/2002 - Is Sarah Michelle Gellar now officially Sarah Michelle Gellar Prinze Jnr. (how the hell IS that name gonna work out?). Apparently, nobody knows. There have been rumours that the couple wed recently in a Las Vegas chapel yet Sarah's agent denies it. They better not have hitched - I've got my flight sorted to go over there and break up the wedding... ;)
Meanwhile, Scooby Doo has grossed a whole lotta money in its opening weekend in the States. Millions of dollars taken at the box office have made way for the next films in the franchise. YAY! More Daphne. Catch the film in the UK this July...

19/05/2002 - Sarah Michelle appeared on The David Letterman Show last week, promoting Scooby. Not too much Buffy-wise but if you can catch a repeat, try! Also, she's let slip to one mag that we can expect a lighter season next year, as well as little chance of a Spike/Buffy affair. That might seem strange, given the twist concerning Spike's character at the end of this year's finale but maybe she's throwing out false spoilers courtesy of Whedonator.
Speaking of, the man in charge has strengthened rumours that Amber Benson will be back next year - but not as Tara. Hmmmmmmm...

05/06/2002 - Sarah Michelle Gellar recently revealed that, if she was to have the desired buttocks of her choice, she would opt for Aussie pop minstrel Kylie's famous buns. I'm just struggling to think what's up with Gellar's own pert lil cheeks... :)
It's also been rumoured that Gellar is to voice a character in the upcoming animated feature (2004:A Light Knight's Odyssey) along with big name players Samuel L.Jackson, John Travolta, and Christian Slater among others. You go, gal!
Fans of Tara and Ms.Benson rejoice! New writer Drew Z.Greenberg has implied that the top actress and character will return to our screens next season. 'Amber is sticking around; so don't worry' he wrote on the official Bronze posting board. I'm just thinking - HOW?!

03/06/2002 - Sarah Michelle Gellar presented the MTV Movie Awards 2002 with Jack Black on Sunday evening in the States. I can tell you that she looked stunning, and she seemed to be enjoying herself with funny man Black...

01/06/2002 - Am I going to have to reserve a spot for teenybopper queen Britney Spears on this site? It seems that, after reports from several different sources, Sarah's chum and all-round babe Spears is going to make a string of appearances next year as a vampire vixen. Can't wait...and, no, that's not sarcastic!

31/05/2002 - Just kinda wondering whether Amber Benson is really gone - sob sob. With Tara being all dead and stuff, is there any way we can hope to see Ms.Benson back on the show next season? I wonder...
Speaking of next season, I guess the biggest question posed is 'will it be the last?'. Rumour has it that Gellar (who is going from strength to strength when it comes to the world of movies - Scooby Doo is out this summer, kids!) has decided to throw in the towel when her contract ends at the end of next year. Other cast members have hinted at the show's demise - boo hoo, I'm sure you're all thinking. Hope Angel's adventures continue though.
And, speaking of (how good am I with links?), there are slight murmurings that Charisma Carpenter is considering leaving the spinoff after portraying cheerleader-turned-champion Cordy for six years. It would be a huge loss but I'm sure the gorgeous one would not be short of work.
One final note before I skedaddle. FHM's annual '100 Sexiest Women In The World' list was announced on Friday 24th May. After trouncing her last year (following a skimpy school shoot), Alyson Hannigan (at position 21) trailed behind Gellar, who climbed up to 11th position, and also Charisma C (who reached 13). Also present were Eliza Dushku (58) and Emma Caulfield (86). All in all, a good day's work for the Buffy ladies...