Supporting Scorchers! These are the the actresses that have appeared in guest-starring roles and met the Buffy-babe quota. Find out about them... |
![]() Clare Kramer Background - Ms.Kramer was born in Atlanta, and is a big fan of cheese (don't ask me, ask her!). She is also reportedly one of Eliza Dushku's best friends (imagine that for a sleepover) and would rather have a snake draped around her neck (I'm sweating again!) than touch a hamster or gerbil. Credits - This is one chica to look out for. Her appearances in a range of ads (from those advertising Wendy's fast food chains, to anti-date-rape campaigns) led to her being recognised by talent scouts. She's appeared in the cheerleader (yum yum) flick Bring It On alongside fellow ex-Buffy star Eliza Dushku. Hope they make a sequel - think of the pom poms. :) Look out for; No clue whatsoever but I hope we see more of her cos she's a star. Maybe Glory could come back - I'm dreaming, right? |
![]() Mercedes McNab Background - Only child Mercedes is now in her early twenties and resides in Los Angeles. She has been acting from the age of around ten. Credits - As a young lil pup, she starred in both The Addams Family and the sequel, Addams Family Values. Good job Christina Ricci's Wednesday didn't end up killing the poor pup (why am I calling her pup??? I'm weird) cos we never would have had Harmony. She also appeared in superhero yarn The Fantastic Four, whereas I feel she's more suited to Wonderwoman. ;) Look out for; You got me. Again, I'm clueless - I really should think about not running a website that requires me to research. However, I DO hope that Mercedes appears before Buffy packs in the nightjob - after all, the vacuous vamp with no brain is still undead! |
![]() Juliet Landau Background - This self-confessed workaholic is the product of two well-known actors - her father being the renowned Martin Landau, her mother being Barbara Bain. She spent four years in England with her family, which may explain the ease at which she speaks Dru's lingo, yet settled in the US to learn dancing. Eventually, dancing led to acting and you know the rest. Credits - The most noticeable appearance (away from being Drusilla) on her resume is probably her supporting role in Tim Burton's Ed Wood. You may also recognise her in Pump Up The Volume and the TV series La Femme Nikita. Look out for; Well, the reason she can't appear on the shows as often as she would like seems to be that she's too busy doing varying other projects. Our Jules often performs in theatre productions, and she may be working on upcoming movies. Really hoping that she can also find the time for a few episodes next year... |
![]() Kristine Sutherland Background - Dunno about her background so much but she is now a mother and occasionally sets up shop and moves abroad to Italy. She is happily married, and the horror genre frequently scares her (even the show she has appeared on for so many years has led to a fright or two). Credits - Honey I Shrunk The Kids. Need I say more??? :) Look out for; Watch this space, kiddos. Maybe cameos (such as those in the episodes 'The Weight Of The World' and 'Normal Again') will keep Joyce living in Buffy fan's hearts. However, it seems Sutherland has quit showbusiness for a while to enjoy time with her husband and child - and so she should. |
![]() Bianca Lawson Background - Bianca is the daughter of actor Richard Lawson (formerly of All My Children) and turned down the role of Cordelia, apparently, because she had contractual obligations to another TV show. She broke into acting and being in front of the camera by appearing in a couple of R'n'B music videos - like Robia LaMorte, she popped up in a Prince (I can't type the symbol can I?!) vid... Credits - Missus Lawson has had starring roles in several popular American teen TV series such as Saved By The Bell: The New Class, Dawson's Creek and Sister, Sister. She recently popped up in the recent movie Save The Last Dance and also appeared in Bones, a comedy thriller co-starring that fine actor (ahem) Snoop Doggy Dogg. Okay then... Look out for; You know what? I have no idea. Again. Don't judge... :s However, after appearing in Save The Last Dance, Bianca's name was often uttered in the same breath as other upcoming Hollywood stars... |
![]() Lindsay Crouse Background - Daughter to Russell Crouse (a famous scriptwriter), Lindsay Ann Crouse was exposed to actors and Hollywood at an early age and recalls famous actors hanging out with her papa at home. As a result, she ended up with a love for the theatre and all the rest is history... Credits - While appearing in a whole bunch of popular US shows (from Law & Order, NYPD Blue and ER to Frasier and Alias), Lindsay was recognised for her work in movies by The Academy. She received an Oscar nomination for her supporting female role in Places In The Heart. Her movie credits go on and on but she is perhaps best known for her leading role in House Of Games. She also starred alongside Amber Benson and Eliza Dushku in family movie Bye Bye Love... Look out for; Ermmmmm. Again, give me no kudos fro being absolutely stupid and not being able to find any stuff about Crouse's future. I'm sure, however, that an actress of her calibre won't give up her love for acting any time soon. |
![]() Robia LaMorte Background - Here goes. Jenny's real-life counterpart began dancing professionally at age sixteen, yet always dreamed of being a teacher too. However, the latter vocation didn't really work out when Whedon was so impressed with her he signed her up for more than her intended two or so episodes. She dislikes sharks and bugs, and her mother was 'nomadic'-like which caused LaMorte's childhood to unfold in many different areas of the US. Credits - Pearl's a singer! Actually, Robia LaMorte's Pearl was a dancer, who appeared alongside Diamond in many of Prince's videos - including the promo for his tune (you guessed it) 'Diamonds & Pearls'. As a result, she's a very fine (and bendy) groover - don't get all excited, you! As for acting, she appeared in various low-budget movies as well as Beverly Hills 90210 (as did Emma Caulfield) before her gig on BtVS. Look out for; Not too sure what's in the pipeline for Morte at the moment. However, I have seen pics of her appearances at a few recent posting board parties - therefore, I'm soooooo hoping they find a way to bring her back. Giles needs some loving... |