Bad Babes 2
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The grrrrrrr arghhhhhh of babes...
More vampish beauties and all those characters that can charm you into being their next meal. Eeeeek!!!

Darla - Sire Of The Angelic One, Devilishly Deadly & All-Round Grand Vamp!
Babe Lowdown - Darla has been on an epic journey during her years as a vamp. She was turned by The Master before she died, a mortal prostitute dying from syphilis. She was named Darla by his nasty self and remained his 'favourite' for four hundred years. During these four hundred years, she embarked on a torrid love affair with Angelus, whom she sired in an alley. The one with the angelic face sired Dru, who in turn sired Spike - and the four of them wreaked havoc across the world for centuries, enjoying every moment. However, Angel regained his soul, causing him and Darla to split. Flash forward to Sunnydale in the latter years of the nineties. Darla is still a faithful follower of The Master, and is aware that Angel is in town and fawning after the Slayer. She comes up with a plan to turn Angel dark and kill the Slayer - however, it doesn't work out and she is dusted by Angel. And then there's nothing for Darla - she's dead for a second time, only now she's dust and won't wake again. Oh, but those pesky lawyers at Wolfram & Hart have to meddle. Darla is bought back from the hells of dustdom and is made a fully flesh'n'bone human being again. They plan for her to turn Angel dark, only Holland Manners and Co. didn't expect her human consciousness to get in the way - guilt riddling her human form, Darla seeks comfort in Angel's arms. When things couldn't get any worse for our Darla, she finds out she is to die from syphilis now she is human once more. Wolfram & Hart won't have this though and, in one of their most devious acts, they call upon the services of Drusilla to turn Darla back into a vamp. The two gals paint the town all kinds of bloody, and this does send Angel over the edge, knowing that he'll have to dust Darla again. Instead, the two of them inexplicably decide to dance the horizontal jig. Darla returns after vanishing for a few months, pregnant belly in tow. She's as nasty as ever, however, and munching on Angel's friends. However, the baby conceived is seen as a miracle child by many outside forces and Angel realises it must be born. And it is - only Darla, who has become infected by the baby's soul and is coming around to the idea of motherhood, sacrifices herself, knowing that the instant the baby leaves her body, she will become monstrous again. She bites the dust again...but is it for real this time?
Best Babe Moment - Catholic schoolgirl uniform, anyone? There's also the whole wigs-and-kimono getup but maybe the less said about that, the better. Darla is at her most evil when she turns Liam, the Irish scally-wag, into Angelus, creating the most savage beast ever to grace the earth. However, she can be forgiven for slaughtering most of the Wolfram & Hart staffers, alongside Dru. I mean, lawyers are sooooooooo much more evil than vampires... :P
Bad Girl Rating - 10
Lilah Morgan - Plotting Lawyer, Evil Schemer & All-Round Bitch, Bitch, Bitch!
Babe Lowdown - Dragon woman Lilah is Wolfram & Hart's femme fatale. She's slyer than sly, and up for some healthy competition in the form of Lindsey and Gavin - only, she's out there to win. The stakes are high at Wolfram & Hart and, in order to stay alive, you have to be prepared to be the best scheming bitch out there. She likes a drink but, perhaps more than anything, she likes to see Angel squirm - whether it's trying to get telekinetic young women and slayers to assassinate him or putting his friends in danger to blackmail him, Lilah always likes to be one step ahead. Perhaps this is why she sleeps with Wesley after he has been cut out of the Angel Investigations team, in order to deliver one final knockout blow - getting Wesley to work for W & H would shake up his former pals to no end. This sharp-talking, independant, sassy woman is not one to be messed with - Billy did and look what happened to him. Steer clear; she's a mid-messer...
Best Babe Moment - Her fantastic 'Stake the bitch!' line when Darla infiltrates Wolfram & Hart, showing no sympathy for the demon she helped to bring back. She's clearly got feelings somewhere because there's that mysterious phone call to her mother, suggesting that she's only doing what she's doing to help pay for care, yet she's still utterly evil - her liason with Wes is a verrrrrrrrry intriguing turning point. And, you know, she gets to be in sex scenes now. Woooooo!
Bad Girl Rating - 9
Harmony Kendall - Brainless Blonde, Totally Clueless & All-Round She Who Sucks At Evil!
Babe Lowdown - Harmony, ex-Cordette, was transformed into a creature of the night during the havoc that followed the Class Of '99 graduation ceremony. Only this creature of the night is a little specific when it comes to tastes - unicorns, France, and shopping are the main things on this dimwit demon's mind. But not the only things - oh no, this chica is out for Slayer (and Xander Harris) blood. Be intimidated, threatened, scared, whatever - but don't laugh! Okay, I'm joking; laugh. Ditzy Harmony, former squeeze of Spike's, is so sucky at evil that she has to retire to L.A. because her attempts at killing Buffy are so lame. Seeking out former pal Cordy, Harmony lets her in on her vampish secret and Cordy accepts her for what she is; that is, until Harmony actually does nearly end up killing the entire Angel Investigations team after leading them into a trap. So she's not all dumb at evil, I suppose. But, lemme tell you, wherever she is now (after running away into the night) I can bet you she's shoppin'...
Best Babe Moment - It's always fun to see Harm standing up to Spike, and it's even better seeing her piss Wesley off so much. However, nothing beats her rendition (massacre would be a better word) of 'Memories' at Caritas. Classic!
Bad Girl Rating - 4 (aaaaaaaaaaaw, and she tries so hard)
Glorificus - Most Highest One, Sweaty-Naughty-Feelings Causing One & All-Round Glorious Goddess!
Babe Lowdown - Glory's not a demon, she's a god. Those words were uttered when it was revealed to Buffy that her new nemesis Glory was something she'd never faced before. Saddled with her Key of a sister, Buffy realises that the gorgeous but deadly powerful Glorificus is going to be her hardest challenge yet. While she may be interested in having scabby minions kiss her feet, as well as the most exquisite shoes and clothes, Glory's primary concern is getting her hands on Dawn, and spilling her blood. This act will allow Glory to return home, to the dimension where she ruled alongside two other hellgods. The reason she's here, sharing a body with intern Ben and forced to survive as part of the mortal coil, is because her fellow hellgods were becoming frightened of her. Killing Dawn, though, will cause dimensions to spill into each other and for hell to reign. Glory's not caring though - she's just in it to win it, and when she wants something nobody (especially not Mousey The Vampire Slayer) is going to stand in her way. She'll brainsuck the Scooby Gang, torture The Knights Of Byzantium, and shop till she drops - and she does, in fact, get Dawn in her nasty grip eventually. While Ben's soul winds up with her having a semi-consciousness, she gets Dawn tied up and bleeding eventually. However, the one worshipped by Doc (who started Dawnie bleeding), can be killed - and, seemingly, she is. As a result of a climactic battle (featuring all manner of troll hammers and wrecking balls), Ben takes over from the damaged Glory. In this state, he/she is murdered by Giles never to come back. Or is this really the end...? By God, I hope not!
Best Babe Moment - Her whining rambles are pure gold, as is her brilliantly bitchy treatment of the minions who worship her. However, her best moment comes when she knocks off Buffy's robotic head; 'The Slayer's a robot. Hey, did anybody else know the Slayer was a robot?' Followed, inevitably, by a blow of the hammer.
Bad Girl Rating - 10
Justine Cooper - Wanna-Be Slayer, Holtz's Honey (?) & All-Round Justice Justine!
Babe Lowdown - When her twin sister was killed by vamps, L.A. gal Justine decided to get a little payback and soon became a wannabe Slayer. Fortunately for her, Holtz has just arrived in the years of the new millennium and spots her talent for plain unadulterated vengeance. He trains her and tortures her, developing her rage into a powerful weapon, and there's a chemistry between them, a connection, for a while. However, our Justine is duped by Holtzy boy when he abandons her by stealing Connor and leaping into the Quor'toth - how the heck do you spell that?! Mourning her loss, she lays low for some time. She's hardly had time to pause for breath, though, when Holtz and Connor are back in L.A., both years older. As a final thank you to Holtz for his helping her hone her vengeance, she kills Holtz himself, making it seem to Connor like Angelus performed the act. When Connor buys this, she even helps Connor wreak vengeance upon him, knowing full well that she was the one who killed her mentor.
Best Babe Moment - Slitting Wesley's throat in order to help along Holtz's plan rates high in the evilllll Zagat's guide...
Bad Girl Rating - 7
Bad-Majick Willow - Geek Go-Getter, Trick Chick & All-Round Truck-Driving Magic Mama!
Babe Lowdown - Willow got 'addicted' to magic after delving deep into the black arts to bring Buffy back from the dead. This forced Tara to leave her, and this act (and the near-killing of Dawn while she was in Willow's care and Will was 'high') faced Willow with some blunt facts. She cleaned up her act, and went through a phase of serious cold turkey to win her lover back. And she did get to hold Tara in her embrace again. But not for long. When sociopath Warren shot a gun wildly at Buffy, a misfired shot fatally wounded Tara. And this is where Will became the monstrosity that was the evil veiny black witch. After absorbing all the black magic contained in the books at The Magic Box, Will was out for blood. She eventually caught up with the murderous Warren and subjected him to a horrible death, skinning him in the woods. Then it was 'two to go', time to hunt Jonathan and Andrew, Warren's geeky comrades. While Buffy and the rest of the Scoobies tried to find Will and make her stop before she took human life again, Will (who was running low on power) visited magic supplier Rack one last time - one last time because Willow drained him of all his power, killing him. And then it was party time! Not caring who she hurt, friend or not, Will was in full magic flow. She struck out at Dawn, did the same to Anya, and indulged in a full-on battle with Buffy. When Giles returned from England to put a stop to her power, she drained him of all his magic, nearly killing him in the mix. This magic allowed Will to feel the pain of every single person on this little old Earth, and to put a stop to the pain, she decided to put a stop to the Earth. It was only moments away from Willow destroying the Earth when Xander put a stop to her dastardly plans, and forced the real non-evil Will back from the depths of despair with the three simple words 'I love you'. And now evil Will is no more, and red-headed self-proclaimed spaz Will is. Woohooo!
Best Babe Moment - Will was hot as a dark-haired spell-caster forcing trucks to do her bidding. However, she's at her most sinister when threatening to turn 'whiny' Dawn back into a blob of energy. The thing is we know she could have done it. Creeeeeeepy...
Bad Girl Rating - 9
Veruca - Oz's Other, Shy Songstress & All-Round Werewolf Woman!
Babe Lowdown - Veruca, like Oz, is a werewolf three nights out of the month. The difference between the two? Oz is restrained, whilst Veruca gives into her animalistic desires and runs free while transformed. When Oz escapes from his cage one night, the two werewolves indulge in a little wolfy loving. Willow catches the two in the act, and is emotionally destroyed. Whilst in the midst of her grief, Veruca challenges her for Oz's affections, plotting to kill her. However, Oz happens to kill Veruca instead when the two revert to wolf form. Only Oz also nearly kills Will whilst he's a wolf, causing Oz to question his identity and true nature. Veruca was the catalyst in the breaking up of Oz and Willow, and she brought up the questions that made Oz leave Sunnydale in pursuit of answers.
Best Babe Moment - While it isn't the actress singing, you gotta admire her 'Quel Fiona' performances as Shy front-woman. She also gets a chance to walk about in bra and panties - see? Marti Noxon is cool!
Bad Girl Rating - 7