Devil Women - Grrrrrrrrrrrr Arghhhhhhhhh! I don't think I need to tell you that the two 'Bad Babes' pages are devoted to the more wicked element of the feminity featured on the two shows. While you may think you'd like to meet some of these women in a dark alley, you better think again (especially with Darla, after where she sired Angel). Don't get too close... |
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Faith - Psycho Slayer, Mayor's Missus & All-Round Lost Soul! Babe Lowdown - OK, do you have an hour?! Cos Faith is one of the kookiest, kraziest and killersome naughty nannies ever to grace the show. Let's start off with childhood background; it was pooh, pretty much. Faith was never loved by her drunken mother, never had toys, and found solace in jumping off rocks into rivers. This all took place in Boston. We can only assume Faith's teen years were not very pleasant, and so I'll skip right to the Slayer thing. When Kendra died, all-action Faith was activated. She and Buffy didn't meet eye to eye at first, yet they soon bonded when Buffy realised Faith was disturbed by the death of her Watcher. The two girls got 'all hot and sweaty' together - OK, training, but I can dream! Hoever, Faith never really felt like part of the team - she was angry when she discovered Buffy had kept Angel's resurrection a secret, sad that she wasn't invited to many of the Scooby meetings in the library, and was also duped by her new 'Watcher' (otherwise known as 'evil lying bitch') Gwendolyn Post. Distance was had, Faith going on one of her 'unannounced walkabouts'. Buffy tried to make up and failed at first - however, Faith eventually came around. She had a little after-hours fun with Xander - using him and discarding him, in other words. And then it was time for the big dramatic turning point in Faith's life; as she pulled Buffy down into her dark world of violence=fun, Faith accidentally murdered the Deputy Mayor. This led to Faith's downfall, and her eventual siding with the Mayor of Sunnydale. Feeling she could not trust Buffy and pals, Faith was welcomed into her position as the new Mr.Trick (and isn't she a hole lot hotter, huh?). The nuttsy girl crossed a line, though, when a plan to revert Angel into Angelus (so he could be her new 'boy toy') failed. Buffy had had enough - and in the run-up to the Mayor's famous Ascension, Buffy put Faith into a coma as a result of a major knockdown drag-out. She didn't wake for another eight or so months - and when she eventually did things were not as they had been. No Mayor, no Ascension, nothing at all to raise a smile on Faith's tragic little face. So, to quell the boredom, Faith sought out Buffy for a little roll in the hay (fighting - get your mind out of the gutter!). However, using a device the Mayor left her, Faith actually became Buffy - or she set up shop in Buffy's body for a coupla days, at least. And what a coupla days - during these days, she realised what human gratitude felt like, what the love of another human felt like, and how helping felt, well, good. Only this semi-reformation was halted when Buffy returned to her own body - and Faith to hers. Even more disgusted with herself than ever, Faith dragged her tough bootie all the way to L.A. in a self-destruct mission. Hired by Wolfram & Hart to kill Angel, she lured Angel to her - and then abruptly broke down in his arms, begging him to kill her. It was up to Angel then (no matter what anybody else thought) to help Faith in her rehabilitation. A fine line was walked for a while, hints of Faith's psychotic tendencies briefly appearing - however, sick of being in the dark place, Faith turned herself in to the cops. She is now doing her time and occasionally receives visits from a certain Angel. By God, I hope we see her again too... Best Babe Moment - You can't beat Faith dancing! It's like an unwritten fact or something. First off, you have her dancing with Buffy in the Bronze, the two Slayers side-by-side (MOMMA!). Then we have Faith dancing in an L.A. bar, after having kicked off a brawl - only she integrates fighting into the dancing! Now that's innovative! Other than dancing (yum yum yum), we all know the two things Faith wants after a good slay - food and a bit of, well, you know... ;) Bad Girl Rating - 10 |
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Anyanka - Vengeance-Getter, Wish-Granter & All-Round Veiny Men-Disliker!
Babe Lowdown - As you can tell from the picture chosen (left - duh!), Anyanka was one scary darlin'! I mean, a demon who makes her own bed and owns a guitar - God, save us! Anyway, the 'patron saint of women scorned' was actually quite the nasty bugger. Anya was transformed into a vengeance demon via D'Hoffryn around 1100 years ago after being dumped by a stupid, stupid guy. As one of her first punishments, she transformed the guy into a troll for all eternity (these things never end well). And so the ruination of men who had been unfaithful continued - for years and years and years. In between accidentally setting villages on fire and making men cannibalise themselves, Anya hung with Dracula and formed a girly friendship with the one and only Halfrek. However, when a scorned Cordelia wished that Buffy Summers had never been born, things went downhill for the demon girl. Sunnydale was altered - and during the brief time in which alternate-Sunnydale was in place, Anyanka's necklace (which granted the wishes wished) was lost forever. Anyanka was mortal, a child - and flunking math. After a failed attempt to get Willow to retrieve the necklace, Anyanka had to face up to being Anya (and for HER entry, read the previous page). Skip another three or so years, and Anya was left at the altar by none other than her true love Xander. She felt so betrayed and hurt that, when D'Hoffryn offered to transform her back into a vengeance demon at her most vulnerable, she accepted. For a while, she attempted to get others to wish horrible things upon Xander - but she soon realised she didn't want Xander to die or be hurt by her hand. However, she didn't like him all that much now either. Confused over the state of her relationship (or former relationship), Anya found solace in Spike and also took her mind off things by aiding Willow (then trying to stop Willow), who was all raged-up over Tara's death... Best Babe Moment - This girl produced Olaf the troll, one of the funniest villains ever - so kudos to her. She also created dark Sunnydale, thus creating nasty vamp Willow - kudos, kudos, kudos! However, Anyanka was at her best more recently when Will was all rampagey - at first, An was all for Willow's side but soon changed her mind, helping to save the world in the process... Bad Girl Rating - 9 |
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Sunday - College Bloodsucker, Freshman Muncher & All-Round Cool (Undead) Bitch! Babe Lowdown - Sunday and her gang of (totally useless) lackeys feast upon freshmen at UC Sunnydale. At least, they used to - until Buffy dusted them when they tried to play dirty with her, during her first few days at uni. Anyway, that's me getting ahead of myself! Tough-talking sassy Sunday isn't (wasn't) keen on the musical tastes or fashion stylings of freshmen at all. However, because the freshmen are so insecure during their first days, it looked as though the kids were bailing out of fear - but sunny Sunday and her pals (let's not exaggerate) were eating them instead. After one too many jibes from one of the bitchiest vamps ever faced, though, Buffy returned to form and showed 'em how it's done. Hence the dust... Best Babe Moment - The hands-on-hips pose just before she's dusted is just fab! And, wow, a vamp who beat up Buffy - must have something special! Bad Girl Rating - 7 |
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Drusilla - Evil Of England, Spike's Siren & All-Round Loony Lovey! Babe Lowdown - Drusilla was one of three sisters, a 'pure' girl who regularly went to church and felt her seeing eye was an afront to the Lord - as a result she enrolled at a convent to become a nun. She was that girl - as in, she used to be. However, Angel (who had developed a morbid fascination with her, thus killing her entire family and driving her insane) turned her into a demon of the night the day she was meant to become a sister - as the deadly Darla looked on. She lived for a number of years, feeling sad that she had no companion - while there was an attraction thing going on between her and Angel, she knew Darla's hold over the Angelic one was much too strong for her to break. As a pick-me-up, she decided to turn a young man named William into Spike. They developed a twisted and strange love that lasted for over a century. However, fast forward to Sunnydale, California in the late nineties. When Angel (whose soul had been restored) reverted back to Angelus, there was no Darla around to keep Dru's affections in place - plus Spike wasn't his usual self, handicapped in a wheelchair and down after failing to defeat the Slayer. Dru was smuggled away from California by Spike as part of a deal with Buffy - it was then that Drusilla realised Spike had feelings for the Slayer and these feelings would develop. Seeing her relationship with the Spikey one as a lost cause, Dru made time with chaos and fungus demons. However, she soon got bored with that scene - she eventually showed up again in Los Angeles to turn a newly human Darla back to her former (evil) self. The two girls wreaked havoc in L.A. for a while until their partnership was broken a little when both girls were set on fire by the new darker Angel. Unsure of where her place was, Dru returned to Sunnydale to check in on Spike - only to realise even her love for him couldn't help him now... Best Babe Moment - Her most evil deed was the killing of Kendra. However, dancing suggestively at the party to celebrate the Judge's reassembly rates higher in sexy terms. The girl-on-girl duo of her and Darla is also very yummy in an evil but delightful way... Bad Girl Rating - 9.5 |
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Halfrek - Vengeance Vixen, Girly Demon & All-Round Fun, Fun, Fun! Babe Lowdown - Halfrek is one of Anya's pals, called forth to Sunnydale to attend her pal's wedding with Xander. While at the Hellmouth, though, Halfrek feels the need for a little vengeance - and acts as a school guidance counsellor to lure school students to wish for certain things. When Dawnie, who is feeling neglected, wishes everyone would just stop and stay around her, the wish comes true. Only it traps Dawn and the gang in her and Buffy's house for a whole long while. Anya soon realises who has caused the situation, though, and Halfrek is forced to undo the deed - not before she and Spike get all flustered when seeing each other, mind. She remains in Sunnydale to act as a bridesmaid at her former co-worker Anya's wedding, dishing out 'advice' about how wrong Xander is for An. And when the ceremony goes to pot and Xander leaves Anya at the altar, Halfrek hangs around for a while, wishing to enjoy Anya re-enacting her revenge on her former fiance... Best Babe Moment - Halfrek is a sassy demon and isn't afraid to be blunt, much like Anya. She is wonderfully disapproving of Xander, and the granting of Dawn's wish traps the gang in casa de Summers with a demon unleashed from a sword. Vengeance demons, I tell you... *shakes head* Naughty naughty! Bad Girl Rating - 8 |
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Kathy - Wrong Roommate, Cher Fan & All-Round Overprotected Teenybopper Evilness! Babe Lowdown - Roommate extraordinare Kathy exposed Buffy to the most damning of evils - Cher. Diva fan Kath thought it was just the 'funnest' to spin the likes of Celine Dion and Whitney whilst ironing her jeans. Evil, huh? Anyway, after a series of ooky blood dreams, Buffy came to the conclusion that Kathy wasn't just a sucky roommate but also an evil demon. Turns out Kathy was sick of being treated like a 900 year old kid in her home dimension so decided to pack up and move to UC Sunnydale to live the college life. However, her father wasn't too pleased and came a-hunting for Kathy. The demon girl's plan to suck Buffy's soul so her father would think Buffy was the soul-less demon failed, though, and Kathy was, well, grounded back home... Best Babe Moment - There's some fab bitching between her and Buffy. Her use of the word 'toodles' is just a sin, plain and simple. Her most heinous act, though, is probably the fact that she got Buffy to log phone calls - I mean, eugh! How evil can one girl be??? Oh, I almost forgot - the scorpion bloody Mary ('but without the Mary') dreams were kinda bad too. But logging calls... :s Bad Girl Rating - 6 |
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Maggie Walsh - 'Mommy', Lunatic Lecturer & All-Round Monster Creator! Babe Lowdown - The world renowned (DO you have to be 'nowned' first?) psychologist and teacher Maggie Walsh taught Buffy and Willow the ways of the brain during their first year at UC Sunnydale. However, The Evil Bitch Monster Of Death used her teaching gig as a coverup - her real job was as the government scientist in charge of the Initiative. She would command the troops (one troop member being her surrogate 'son' Riley Finn) and assign all manner of assignments. Yet, in Room 314, she was working on her own project - Adam, the cyberdemon made out of all the demon, human and machine parts Maggie could lay her hands on. However, creating Adam led to her downfall. When she thought Buffy was too close to discovering the secret, she attempted to kill her which caused Riley's trust in her to collapse. Oh, and there's the pesky matter of Adam skewering the professor within seconds of waking up - poor Mommy... Best Babe Moment - Maggie, at her most evil, hurt a grieving Willow (devoid of Oz) with harsh words. And, of course, she was the one who unleashed Adam on an unsuspecting world - nearly destroying it in the process... Bad Girl Rating - 8 |