Good Girls 2
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More sweeties...
Don't say I don't give you anything! Here, you'll find more of the innocent but tough-in-the-face-of-danger cookies. Browse below - there's ex-vengeance demons, ex-librarians and so much more...

Winifred Burkle - Taco Belle, Book Belle & All-Round Beautiful Belle!
Babe Lowdown - She's the girl who lived (wearing NOTHING but some type of animal skin) in a cave for five years. Winifred Burkle is back from the nightmare that was Pylea, and has relocated to Los Angeles from native Texas to join the good fight along with Angel and Co. Aside from me, she has many admirers - Wesley 'rogue demon hunter' Wyndham-Pryce yearned after her for months only to be beaten to the goods by employee Charles Gunn, who is now head over heels for the shy but quirky new addition. However, while she may be dazzingly gorgeous, her brains are a big asset and have gotten the crew out of a lot of scrapes. So let's all bow down before Ms.Burkle, the girl who munches mucho tacos without letting it get in the way of fighting badass evil...
Best Babe Moment - If someone shouts at Fred, you know about it cos she makes your heart melt. However, her best moments come when she faces potential threat head-on. For instance, there's the moment she took on one of the guys holding her hostage in Caritas, and the time she saved the L.A. Scoobies from giant bugs. She's a good girl, our Fred...
Good Girl Rating - 10

Anya - Newly Human, Capitalist Running Dog & All-Round Blunt Bit!
Babe Lowdown - We're not talking Anyanka here (if you want that demon dishe's entry, go look in the 'Bad Babes' pages). Instead, we're focusing on the amarous Anya, the very mortal girl Anyanka becomes after her power is lost. As she's newly human, you can't really expect this babe to entirely 'get' the ways of humans - even though she used to be one previously (we're talking, like, a thousand years ago though). Anyhow, Anya soon learns a thing or two about sex (that she likes it) when she realises bodies 'interlock' - as a result, she interlocks with Xander. They remain together for a long while, even get engaged - yet Anya's still clueless when it comes to other stuff (such as the use of the word 'orgasm' in front of Xander's friends). After being left at the altar by X-Man, she reverts to being the unholy vengeance-reeking Anyanka. However, she doesn't give up her day job as Magic Box owner, either. Nope, she's a working gal! And quite a hot one to boot. :)
Best Babe Moment - She says many a risque thing and, in turn, makes me quiver with pleasure when she does. It's hard to top her in bunny costume or Charlie's Angels gear, though. Unless you count the splendid moment when she let all her emotion over Joyce's death spill out. Big aaaaaaaws...
Good Girl Rating - 6
Joyce Summers - Gallery Gal, Coffee Confidante & All-Round Mrs Mom!
Babe Lowdown - Joyce Summers has been a real trouper. She spent a couple of long years (in denial land, no less) putting up with her daughter Buffy's extracurricular activities - which seemed to be suspiciously violence-based. And when our Joyce was told the truth by said daughter ('Mom, I'm a Vampire Slayer'), she handled it like a soldier and supported her daughter through much bloodshed. She's also more-than-ready to offer a sympathetic ear to Spike when he's in need of motherly love. Then, all of a sudden, she had a second daughter to care for - and that said daughter turned out to be non-real and God-knows-how-many-years old. And so what does Joss Whedon do to give Joyce a little rest after all her hard times? He, erm, kills her off... :s
Best Babe Moment - Her enticing little speech to Xander in his (obviously hormonal) dream is hard to beat. However, there've been plenty of 'mom' moments that make you realise what a cool cat this woman is - she'll be missed...
Good Girl Rating - 9
Amy Madison - Non-Mom-Fan, Roving Rat & All-Round Wicked Witch!
Babe Lowdown - Our Amy, fan of brownie pigouts, has been through a tough time. Her mother, former cheerleader and glory seeker, set up shop in Amy's body and banished her daughter to a life of mom-type stuff - in other (less confusing) words, she performed a body swop on them. However, it was Slayer and Co. to the rescue and Amy returned to her own body. Her mother's witchy ways seemed to leave a mark, though, because Amy soon started bewitching teachers into thinking that they had accepted her homework assignments. When Xander witnessed this little trick, he forced her into performing a love spell on him that backfired and caused EVERY woman in Sunnydale to fall in lurve with Mr Harris. This little dispute was also sorted out, eventually, however. Things in the freaky-deaky department did not let up, though, and soon enough Amy was being burnt at the stake. To get out of this icky situation, she turned herself into a rat - and remained as vermin for a further three or so years until Willow, all magicked-up, decided to revert her to form. This is where Amy showed her darker side and pulled our Wills into a downward spiral that consisted of dark magic thrills'n'spills. Eventually, our Ms Rosenberg stood up to her former pal and told her to get lost - for her own sake. At the moment, she's still at large...
Best Babe Moment - Turning up naked in Buffy and Will's dorm room as a non-rat but then being reverted to rat form, after Will performs a spell unknowingly. Funny to the amount of ten...
Good Girl Rating - 5
Tara Maclay - A Shy She, Will's Woman & All-Round White Witch!
Babe Lowdown - Raised by a family containing repressive men, Tara was introduced to the world of the witch via her mother who 'had a lot of power'. When Ma died, Tara continued to practice in magic and eventually escaped the clutches of her father and brother (who felt Tara should be a quaint little house servant) and enrolled at UC Sunnydale. There, she met Willow and the two of them formed one of Sunnydale's most romantic and, well, magical relationships. Willow brought Tara out of her shell, whilst Tara introduced Willow to new aspects of her sexuality, as well as new areas of magic. Things were going great until Tara's brains were eaten (for want of a better word) by the godly Glory. Tara was left pretty much insane, one of many messes Glory left behind in her trail of destruction. However, Willow soon found a way to retrieve Tara, cementing their love. It was then, however, that Buffy died and Willow's descent into dark magic grew stronger. Despite words of warning from Tara, Willow's spells eventually crossed a line - that line being Willow removing details from Tara's memory. Tara left to gain some space and returned eventually, sassier and tougher. It was clear, however, that Tara still loved Will and vice versa. After much flirting, Tara eventually got it back together with Willow. However, it was too little too late - Tara was killed by evil geek Warren's stray bullet, causing Willow's extreme grief to manifest itself as dark magical power. Tara could not be bought back from the dead, unlike Buffy who died an unnatural death. So she may be gone for good...
Best Babe Moment - There's aplenty. She was the one who discovered Faith had taken over Buffy's body, and attempted to help Willow end the Gentlemen's reign during one dark silent night, with no regard for her own safety. Our Tara also refused to tell Glory that Dawn was the Key, sacrificing herself as a result. And, although she loved Wills deeply, she showed courage and strength when refusing to put up with Willow's nasty magic habits...
Good Girl Rating - 10
Kendra - Dead By Drusilla, Repressed Warrior & All-Round Slayer Seconds!
Babe Lowdown - Kendra was called when the main man, Buffy, died via drowning for a couple of minutes. She had been taken from her parents when young to be trained as a Slayer, and showed a different approach to slaying bad guys than our Buff. She liked ze books ('She-Giles') and would rather read the Slayer Handbook than indulge in dating or socialising with friends. However, when Kendra was told to investigate Sunnydale by her Watcher, she learned from Buffy how to enjoy a plane journey, the joys of Sunnydale fashion, and new methods of fiery fighting. The two Slayers did not get along at first but they soon became semi-pals, enough so that Kendra was warmly welcomed by Buffy during her second visit to California. This second visit, though, was to be her last - she was murdered at the hands of Drusilla. Hence the activation of Faith's calling...
Best Babe Moment - Her total bitch-attack when one of the Tarakan assassins rips Kendra's shirt - her ONLY shirt...
Good Girl Rating - 8
Virginia Bryce - Dad Disliker, Wealthy Wench & All-Round Impure!
Babe Lowdown - This one was introduced to Wesley of Angel Investigations when her father called upon outside protection, after his daughter apparently received death threats. However, the daddy in question was actually a wizard who needed his daughter safe and well to be part of a ritual sacrifice that would bring him ultimate power - granted, she found out and the ritual didn't happen. She coped with this severe trauma, though - bucket loads of cash helped, shopping being her therapy. However, a relationship soon blossomed between her and her protector, Wesley. This was to be short-lived, unfortunately, because Virginia couldn't handle the grittiness of Wesley's job. She could deal with monsters and magic but not with the realism of gunshot wounds. She left and was never seen again by our Wes...
Best Babe Moment - The stand-off with her father, after his failed ritual. Turns out Virginia had to be 'pure' (i.e. virgin material) to be a suitable candidate for sacrifice - and Virginia seems to enjoy destroying her father's hopes by listing the men she has slept with...
Good Girl Rating - 6
Olivia - Giles's Girl, English Chippy & All-Round Mystery!
Babe Lowdown - Olivia is a figure from Giles's past - a chip off the old block, one might say. She was part of the Watcher's mysterious Ripper days, someone he spun wild stories to - such as the, ahem, fact that he was one of the original Pink Floyd members. However, she didn't believe his wild stories about magic and witchcraft - how wrong she was to seek Giles out in Sunnydale then. Popping back now and again for an occasional visit (that could end up with Giles wearing a robe and Olivia wearing his shirt), Olivia picked one visit that wasn't really a success. The night her plane landed, which was a night that she enjoyed a bout of sex with our Rupert, the Gentlemen came out to play. Stealing her voice, along with the rest of the town's vocals, the Gentlemen scared Olivia out of a relationship with Giles, the man who dealt in monsters and the like. When the Gentlemen were defeated and she regained the power of speech, she was off and away, leaving Giles lonely as heck...
Best Babe Moment - Her drawing of the Gentleman she encountered one terrifying night caused Giles to realise who the bad guys were. Kudos to Olivia... :)
Good Girl Rating - 7
Female Oracle - Wise Woman, Golden Gal & All-Round Power That Is!
Babe Lowdown - During Angel's first year in Los Angeles, Mr.Billowy-Coat-King-Of-Pain often ventured into the world of the Oracles. The Female Oracle, along with her less patient male counterpart, guided Angel (sometimes not all that helpfully) and informed him of things to come. While they refused to bring back Doyle and granted Angel the swallowing of a day (resulting in Buffy's hopes of a human Angel being dashed), they have a reason for everything they do. They look over the human world and keep the balance in a way. The Female Oracle, who was killed by a demon unleashed by Wolfram & Hart, returned in spirit form to tell Angel how to stop the beast. She has not appeared since...
Best Babe Moment - Telling Angel how to find and stop Vocah resulted in Cordelia being saved from death. You gotta love a woman who keeps Cordy safe from harm...
Good Girl Rating - 9
Katrina - Woman Of Warren's, Love Rival Of A Robot & All-Round Spurned Ex!
Babe Lowdown - Katrina was a one-time gal of Warren's. However, when the news of Warren's robot fetish came out into the open, Katrina did the bright things and skedaddled. However, a year later, she was located in a bar by no less than Warren. Now part of the Troika, Warren attempted to brainwash and rape his ex - it didn't work though and, in an attempt to escape from the geek's vile plans, Katrina was murdered. This act led Warren deeper into darkness...
Best Babe Moment - Her total refusal to give Warren a chance after meeting April, the sex-bot, is classic. And she's still as sassy as ever when she runs into Warren again - however, the sassiness doesn't last long with her being stone-cold and everything...
Good Girl Rating - 8