Sugar and spice and all things nice...ish! The 'Good Girls' pages are devoted to the female characters in the Buffy/Angelverse that are all too nice and not at all mean. You won't find these lady lunchables plotting to destroy the world. Instead, they'll probably be trying to save it. Here you'll find the virtuos heroines and the sensible sirens - however, you may also stumble across a witch or a Key... |
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Buffy Summers - Slayer, Sister & All-Round Superhuman! Babe Lowdown - Buffy Summers is The Chosen One, the babe of all butt-beating babes. She works hard to balance the everyday trials of life with her everynight slayings of the unlife. While she has the tendency to get overwhelmed by it all at times and often makes questionable choices (hey, she did DIE after all), this beaut has not wrinkled under the stress of slayage. She's found time for extracurricular romance - from reformed blood-drinkers to solider boys, she's always got a laddie under her spell. Some might say she's a tad self-involved but c'mon, she saves the world on a daily basis! She's gotta have some time for herself. While the death of her beloved mother and her own burial have caused much trauma, she's desperately trying to keep sis Dawn in line and has taken on work in a fast-food joint to do just this. Well, if that isn't a testament to love I don't know what is. With a newfound respect for life and her friends and sister after the world was nearly destroyed by Willow, expect quippy Buff to be back in action shortly. An inspiration to us all, Buffy Summers leads the way for the ladies of light that follow. God bless her sassy socks... Best Babe Moment - Simply too many to pick just one! I mean, hello, ultimate babe here. However, sacrificing herself to save her sister, friends an the entire world must be up there somewhere. Her cutting-edge Little Red Riding Hood Halloween costume also showed off a couple of her best assets (hey, don't read into it!) and the courage she showed when sending Angel to hell was simply awe-inspiring. One sexy saviour... Good Girl Rating - 10 |
Willow Rosenberg - Wicca Wallflower, Loving Lesbian & All-Round Clever Catch! Babe Lowdown - The Slayer's best buddy, this redheaded cracker transformed from shy Xander-obsessed Net Gal into a confident spellcaster. Along with fellow white witch Tara, she represents all that is good within the Slayerettes. Before getting jiggy with Tara, there was the life-enhancing relationship she shared with wolfboy Oz. When he left her, after a short mourning period (which saw a few spells backfire), she blossomed into a confident university girl. Although she has the slight tendency to get addicted to dark magic now and then (I always do too, man), wily Will is always there to watch Buff's back. Charmin'! Best Babe Moment - Many. There's her wowing Oz in her Halloween costume, her interpretation of evil vamp twin, and her many snuggles with her lesbian lover. Watch and learn... Good Girl Rating - 10 |
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Cordelia Chase - Queen Of Mean, Vision Gal & All-Round Champion! Babe Lowdown - Cor, it's Cordy! She was once the meanest bitch in Sunnydale history but she got over it when she moved to L.A. to work for Buffy's ex-squeeze Angel. Now she helps the helpless, and is simply a vision to behold. She may still be blunt as heck but she has proved a heart exists somewhere beneath that ample bust (yum) and what a heart it is. No wonder both Groo and Angel himself are head over heels for her, as she's simply Corgeous. Even those pesky Powers That Be are impressed, pulling her out of this dimension and ascending her to a higher state. Where does she go from here? Best Babe Moment - How many do you want? There's the Pylea episodes of the spinoff show - very Princess Leia! And we've also witnessed this honey in a bikini and ample figure-hugging ensembles. Beautylicious... Good Girl Rating - 9.5 |
Dawn Summers - Key, Teen Rebel & All-Round Sister Sweetness! Babe Lowdown - Most teenagers have it hard but that's an understatement when it comes to the littlest Summers. For a start, she isn't really thirteen plus - she's only just entered this world, courtesy of monks who have created an identity and memories for her to protect her true nature as The Key. She might have a slight klepto issue but this can be put down to her origins as a blob of energy, as well as her mother's sudden death and also her sister's (which was less permanent, granted). In all truth, though, she's a good gal even if she does stomp out of rooms quite frequently... Best Babe Moment - She's a young 'un so there ain't many but you have to congratulate her for being so darn brave whilst being suspended on a shoddy tower and being bled by God-worshipping Doc. You go girl! Good Girl Rating - 7 |
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'Anne' - One-Time Vamp Fan, Now-Time Homeless Helper & All-Round Do-Gooder! Babe Lowdown - We've seen her numerous times throughout the past seasons, and each time she's been a little different. From vamp groupie Chanterelle to down-and-out Lily, this girl's been through more transformations than even Willow. However, since meeting Buffy and adopting the Slayer's middle name, she's come a long way and now runs a homeless shelter in L.A. It's dangerous work when zombie cops occasionally like to trash the place but she gets through it, eager to protect her 'kids'. She's a survivor if there ever was one... Best Babe Moment - Sending evil hell overlord 'Ken' sprawling from a platform after transporting her and Buffy to a hellish dimension. Good Girl Rating - 8 |
Kate Lockley - Daddy's Girl, Vamp Vigilante & All-Round Cop Corker! Babe Lowdown - She may have trust issues, she may occasionally grate Angel's nerves, and she may have got fired but L.A. policewoman Kate is still a hottie. Emotionally scarred by the death of her father, this put the big proverbial kebash on any romantic situation between her and the brooding one. Instead she chose to hunt him and his kind down until she became hip to the fact that Angel had an epiphany when he saved her from killing herself. We may not see her again any time soon but I sure hope we do some time - I'll be waiting. What she could do with handcuffs... Best Babe Moment - There's staking the guys who killed her Paps, and the time she drove a nifty humongous stake into Angel to kill murderous Penn, who was right behind the vamp with a soul. Top babe points! Good Girl Rating - 7 |
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Jenny Calendar - Treat Of A Teacher, Techno Pagan & All-Round Gypsy Goddess! Babe Lowdown - Why don't I have a teacher like this?! Jenny (a.k.a Janna) was sent to Sunnydale to keep tabs on Angel and his soulness. However, she didn't count on falling in love with Giles and becoming dollsome eye candy for the alpha males of Sunnydale High. Unfortunately, when Angel reverted to Angelus, Jenny's friendship with the Scoobies was torn apart and so there was no more Monster Trucks dates to be had and enjoyed (?) between her and Rupert. In an attempt to show how sorry she was, she tried to restore Angel's soul - and what a mistake that was! She's now elsewhere after having her neck snapped courtesy of the demon with the angelic face, and sorely missed by Giles - and me! Best Babe Moment - Talk of where she dangled her corkscrew earrings left me a little hot under the collar! Pure sass or what? Good Girl Rating - 6 |