The Actresses Of Buffy 2
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Fruity twosome...
A young 'un and the one I almost met. Check their CVs out below...

Michelle Trachtenberg
Background - The young Michelle Trachtenberg knew it was her destiny to act; therefore, she's been working since she was four. After hitting the big time with Buffy, she now balances education with sister-sidekick-slayage. She also likes to hang out with friends (to do the usual teen stuff) away from acting but feels that she'll be in the business until she retires - long career, then. Woohoo!
Credits - At four, she began to appear in the usual commercials. However, her biggest break was probably alongside Sarah Michelle Gellar in the soap All My Children. When Joss Whedon was looking for an actress to portray Dawn, Gellar pointed the creator in Michelle's direction - and the rest is history. The young actress (she is actually, like, nine months older than little baby moi) can also be seen in kids movies such as Inspector Gadget and Harriet The Spy (the script of which was written by Buffy staffer Doug Petrie). She also appeared in numerous TV series, Clarissa Explains It All being one example...
Look out for; Who knows, maybe we'll see Dawn The Vampire Slayer when Buffy decides to hang up her stake? However, as she's only young, you can bet on seeing Trachtenberg occupy the big or small screen post-Buffyverse. If her acting is astounding during her mid-teens, think of her work in ten/twenty years time...

Amber Benson
Background - Our Benson, like many of the actresses and actors featured in the shows, is a veteran of film and TV. However, she can not only act! This beauty has a great set of lungs on her (insert laughter here) and can knock out many a tune with applumb. She also has a sister, whom she is very close to, and is unfortunately not a lesbian in real life. She is still gorgeous, though, and now I might have a chance with her! Not in the likely, I guess...
Credits - In movieland, Amber has appeared in teen flicks such as Can't Hardly Wait, as well as warm family-glowy stuff like Bye Bye Love (as best friend to Eliza Dushku's character). Meanwhile, she appeared as part of a VH1 tribute to The Rocky Horror Show, showing off her singing skills. Her vocals have also been lent in the production of Anthony Stewart Head's collaborative album with THC producer George Sarah. However, her most accomplished piece of work (while not very famous) is her independant low-budget movie Chance. She acted in it alongside many fellow Buffyverse actors, yet she also wrote, directed and produced it. She's also co-written a coupla comics. You go, girly! Oh, and this might not strictly be a credit, but she also nearly met me - yup! Until that friggin' security guard at the Forbidden Planet signing turned about 200 unhappy people-who'd-lined-up-for-like-5-hours away. GRRRR!!!
Look out for; More singing? More acting? More talent? This girl can do so much, and she can do it all well. After her character's death in Buffy, Benson may reappear but she may not - nothing's too clear at the mo. However, if she doesn't, look forward to an album (maybe not but I can dream) and various projects that Amber will probably be at the helm of. Can't hardly wait... ;)