Luke 'Buffy's Boy' presents Babes Of Buffdom & Beyond
  Luke'Buffy's Boy'presents... Home Page | Good Girls 1 | Good Girls 2 | Bad Babes 1 | Bad Babes 2 | The Actresses Of Buffy 1 | The Actresses Of Buffy 2 | The Actresses Of Buffy 3 | The Actresses Of Buffy 4 | The Actresses Of Angel | Pretty Pix | Fresh Blood | Luscious Links | Contact Me/Sexiest Poll/Miscellaneous | More Minxy Miscellaneous/Guestbook  

You know where it's at - and if you're a little slow, then it's here, you fool!
Okay, so you may have been to my two previous Buffy/Angel-related sites (episode guides and not much else) but this is the place where us fans can gather to drool over the bevvy of beauties that the two best shows on TV offer up week in and week out. Of course, however, I am not so shallow as to create a site entirely devoted to the babes of the Buffyverse (maybe a little bit but gimme some credit). No, no - this is also a site dedicated to the actresses behind the powerful female characters displayed on the kickass shows. Aside from pictures (wahey!), this site aims to give you the lowdown on the careers of the gals and much more. Get ready for some serious adoration on my part... ;)

LAST UPDATED - 26/04/2002

NOTE - These pages may contain spoilers (vital plot points). Therefore, avoid the character pages and various bios before viewing the latest seasons...
Updates 'N' Stuff
Hiya, haven't updated this site for like a month. Sorry peeps, too much stuff goin' on elsewhere! Anyway, I've added some stuff to whet your appetites such as new 'fresh blood', a new poll and some various bits and bobs. I'll be seeing ya very soon... :)
Leading Lady
The one and only (okay, not) Slayer, and the sassiest undead-brutaliser out there...


Upcoming Stuff
Hiya, just a note to let y'all in on what I've got in store. Now that the profiles are all sorted, I'll probably add a coupla pages devoted to more on the babes. Just gimme time to come up with something... :) See you in a few...

Oh, and my e-mail address is below if you want any info on the site and so forth...

Get in touch (not literally) with me!

My Other Babes
If you don't know already, I'm a walking advertisement for my other assorted Buffy/Angel-devoted sites. Addies are below and you can expect to find them elsewhere on this site. I love to plug is all I can say...

For scrambled-up and unorganised but various fun segments, check the above sites out. Adios!

Did we not put the 'grrrrr' in 'girl'?
The wickedly womanly Willow - be charmed!